CSE 575 Linear Regression, Residual Error

This article is originally written in Chinese. Permission to translate has been granted by the author. The link to the orginal post is here. Notice this article uses different symbols from the in-class notes, so do feel free to substitute.

Following the previous article, we now want to take on the residual error matrix in linear regression, which composes of Least Squared Errors (LSE).


Let matrix be the hypothesis space matrix, which consists of the basis column vectors/basis functions. is our target, i.e. we are given instances <>. We need to figure out an optimal weight vector such that the residual squared error (LSE) is minimal.

We transform

The minimum of is where its partial derivative equals to 0 (since is convex). So

The step above utilizes what we have learned from the previous article. Since consists of basis functions, which indicates that its columns are linearly independent, is invertible. Hence

Derivation complete!

Written on February 8, 2018